Friday, August 31, 2007

"liamG" aka "Inverted Gmail", or is it Firefox?

Thought I would break my hiatus from blogging with this amusing picture.

Logged into Gmail today and the world seemed straight as usual, but only for a while. Once I clicked on a message, the Gmail page simply got inverted. Look for yourself.

No, I did not do any image editing gimmick. You gotta believe me :)

The other tabs in Firefox were normal though. Once I clicked on an unvisited link on the Gmail page, everything was back to normal.

Am not too knowledgeable about this, but my guess is Firefox messed up this time.

Well, looks like I was unaware of this feature of Firefox. One of the right-click action menu items in Firefox is "Switch Page Direction". And it was this that I accidentally clicked when I saw the Gmail page inverting. I discovered this feature today accidentally when I right-clicked on a page.
Sorry to the Firefox guys for my rant on if Firefox messed up. :(